feature-aware Directed OrtholoG search


Vinh Tran



  • Paralogs <- duplication
  • Orthologs <- speciation


  • Phylogenetic profiles
  • Gene tree reconstruction, Tree reconciliation
  • Mallo D. et al. (2016), Syst Biol
  • Functional annotations transfer
  • ...
  • RBH-based method

    The origin of fDOG





    How fDOG works
    How good is fDOG

    Benchmark data

    • 78 taxa QfO 2018_04
    • Human as reference species
    • 20,996 human proteins as seed sequences

    Benchmark method

    • Compared using Quest for Orthologs - Challenge 6
    How meaningful are the core ortholog groups

    ... in reflecting the species relationship

    • Topology test using IQ-TREE

      (Topology rejected (-) when p-AU < 0.05, otherwise accepted (+))

    • 18,067 core groups with more than 3 sequences

    Approach Accepted Rejected
    No correction 11,707 (64.80%) 6,360 (35.20%)
    Benjamini + Hochberg (BH) correction 13,625 (75.41%) 4,442 (24.59%)
    Bonferroni correction 16,204 (88.69%) 2,043 (11.31%)
    How fast is fDOG
    Data set Core compilation Ortholog search FAS calculation
    20,995 proteins 19 hrs (*) 67.5 hrs 21 hrs
    Q8WZ42 54 hrs (**) 0.2 hrs 20.5 hrs

    (*) fdogs.run using 64 CPUs on compute17 (2x AMD EPIC 7601 2.2Ghz, 32 cores)
    (**) fdog.run using 1 CPU on compute12 (intel i7-6700K 4.0Ghz)

    On average, each human protein needs:

    • 212s for the core compilation

    • 10s for the ortholog search

    Note: number of core taxa and search taxa are the same (78 QfO taxa)

    Correlation coefficient 0.61 for core compilation and 0.24 for ortholog search
    Pearson p-value < 2.2e-16

    fdog.run VS fdogs.run

    Runtime of 6 randomly selected human proteins using 4 CPUs

    An use-case: Where does the archaea locate

    Eme et al. (2017), Nat. Reviews Microbiology
    1. The well-known three-domains tree of life
    2. Two-domains tree of life
    3. Eukaryota branches as sister to TACK superphylum
    4. Eukaryota originated from within (or as sister to) the Asgard archaea
    • 48 core genes (FAS >= 0.75, present in at least 50% taxa of each superkingdom)
    • Super-alignment of 139 sequences, 13,060 aa in length
    • Tree reconstruction using IQ-TREE
      • -m MFP: auto identify best fitting model with ModelFinder => LG+R9
      • -bb 1000: ultrafast bootstrap approximation with 1000 replicates
      • -bnni: reduce the risk of overestimating branch supports with UFBoot